The birth of the "Frosty" puppies:


On 3rd february 2012 Zora give birth to 5 big boys and 2 lovely girls.
Zora nd the puppies are fine.


Here you find pictures of the puppies from week to week

1. week 2.week 3. week 4. week 5. week 6. week 7. week 8. week 9. week 10. week

The proud parents:
samojeden rüde
Ar ctic Bear Di Casa Kaly (hips: A/B, eyes: clear.)

Arctic Aivik Big Red Zora (hips: A/A, eyes: clear.)

The 1st pictures of the birth.

Zora in the garden

relax in the waterbed


the 1st newborn puppy

just born, male "Orange"

hello Mummy

female "Pink" will be born soon

Grand-grandmother Suka

Zora and Suka